Truth Exposes Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea: Fraud, MisRepresentation and Negligence

6 June 2015

Recently the Cancer Council held its Biggest Morning Tea at various private and public locations throughout Australia.  At these morning teas the Cancer Council begged for donations for research, prevention and support, and states on its website it has raised over three and a half million dollars thus far.

Splashed on papers everywhere were people enjoying a coffee (most likely sweetened with sugar or aspartame) and donuts which are made up of refined white flour cooked in artery clogging hydrolysed vegetable oils such as Canola which contains genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), a type of frankenfood, after the scary monster Frankenstein, made up of different parts of people all sewn together.  On that note, if science says it is two years away from head transplants, why can’t they cure cancer?

That answer is revealed when you study history.  Cancer Council Australia commenced in 1961 as the Australian Cancer Society, then the six state Cancer Councils agreed to establish a federal body to promote cancer control at the national level.  The rate of cancer in Australia has more than doubled, it is out of control, under the auspices of the Cancer Council their website states that now one in two Australians will get cancer.

For any “thinking person will at this point start scratching their head, because there is something wrong with this picture.

On the Cancer Council website it tries to hammer the alternative health movement of holistic medicine (indigenous, sacred, whole, energetic) which regards food as both medicine and poison.  This belief system was the predominant medical training in America before Carnegie and Rockefeller got their hands on the medical education system, effectively banishing holistic medicine to the sidelines in favour of the chemical industry.  Mainstream doctors are taught a few things about nutrition, in so far as the standard knowledge that cancer patients should avoid sugar.  Yet, in the test to detect cancer patients are injected with sugar.

The Cancer Council are negligent and are misrepresenting the facts in regards to the causes of cancer by tearing down those that prefer to eat good food. For instance their website “The Biggest Morning Tea” states:

  • ‘Clean’, ‘raw’, ‘natural’ and ‘paleo’ ingredients: The increasing interest in so-called ‘clean’ eating, ‘raw’ food, and paleo diets has resulted in the creation of ‘healthier’ treat alternatives and the use of ingredients such as rice malt and agave syrups, xylitol, coconut flour and oils, cacao powder, and sea salt flakes. Cancer Council does not endorse these diets, recipes and ingredients to be healthier alternatives as they still contribute to kilojoule, saturated fat, sugar and sodium intake. Recipes using these ingredients may not necessarily be considered healthier recipes, and should be balanced with indulgent recipes that contain more accessible baking ingredients such as sugar, butter and plain flour.  (Emphasis mine)

Here the Cancer Council are telling you to eat sugar and plain flour, and are misrepresenting saturated fats, as their explanation is far too simplistic and treats all saturated fats as equal which they are not.  Given that sugar is a known favourite food of cancer cells and plain flour is the cause of gluten intolerance, therefore inflammation and immune disorders caused by leaky gut syndrome, why are they telling you to eat it?

If the Cancer Council won’t address the cause of why one in two Australians get cancer, how can they prevent it, or cure it?  Isn’t it logical that in order to find the cure for cancer, you first have to find the cause of cancer?  If cancer is not something you “catch” then it must be associated with what we put in our mouths and what is absorbed by the skin?

The Cancer Council talks about excessive kilojoule intake, which again is far too simplistic, however they fail to address a far more important count of exposure to chemicals, insecticides and GMOs. reports that sunscreen, which is heavily promoted by the Cancer Council, contains nano particles which are more easily absorbed by the skin and contains ingredients which are carcinogenic.  Not only that, but not getting enough sun blocks Vitamin D production by blocking UVB rays and Sunscreen also blocks a pigment called melanin.  Vitamin D has proven anti-cancer properties.  Why is the Cancer Council ignoring these carcinogenic properties contained in the use of sunscreens?

Could the Cancer Council’s agenda be to secretly promote more cancer through mis-representation, brainwashing and outright negligence, rather than lessening cancer rates?  The statistics since 1961 certainly seem to indicate that this is the case.

If we looked closely at the Cancer Council Board of Directors and associates you will most likely be sure to find conflicts of interest and bias as there is sure to be links to pharmaceutical companies, agricultural companies and chemical companies, after all the Cancer Council push chemotherapy drugs, ignoring the fact that chemotherapy was developed from Mustard Gas at Yale University, which is famous for the secretive Yale undergraduate secret society called Skull and Bones.

Further comments welcome.

Political Journalist Renounces Australian Citizen-Ship

This article appeared in the Guardian on 26 August 2014.  It’s interesting for many reasons, not least is the fact that this former political toe-the-line journalist has seen the light so to speak, he has jumped off the citizen-ship and reverted to his traditional tribal name, and is now standing for truth, instead of being part of the political circus we see reported in the mainstream media.  To read the article click here.




JFK Assassination – 50 Year Anniversary: The Truth Will Out

This is an article written by Kenn d’Oudney of
his article is covered in full for public educational purposes and for the public restoration of the Jury Justice System.

Frame 150 from the Zapruder Film

Frame 150 from the Zapruder Film (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dear Members,
Greetings. We hope you are well.

“The truth will out.”

Et tu, Brute,”* quoth Julius Cæsar to his associate Senator Brutus, as the last of the high-placed conspirators plunged a dagger into his torn body. One might well have said that to LBJ

*”And you too, Brutus?”

The 1963 coup d’état signals the ultimate overt takeover of Western government. The 22nd of November is the day the banks’ owners’ 1913 conspiracy came of age. Those who are aware of and unafraid to confront the evidence understand and do what they can to resist the treachery of modern politicians and judiciary. Subsequently, all our ‘politicians’ and ‘judges’ toe-the-line without hesitation or they are replaced.

All societies govern through their Justice System. The power to punish carries with it all power. Restoration re-establishes the Absolute Sovereignty of the People through their Courts of Justice backed by the police, prison service and Armed Services. That is why we advocate a mass educational campaign to emplace RESTORATION; the Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury being the only peaceful way known to humankind by which to hold wayward government to the will of the people.

The owned-and-controlled mainstream media show no inclination to publish the execrable truth as to how all the beneficent aspects of Western Civilisation are being destroyed to allow an utterly sanguivolent* clandestine world dictatorship to arise. The duty falls to ‘ordinary’ men and women, We the People, to take responsible actions to re-assert the just authority of the people over harmful misgovernment. This would include the forwarding of these selected serious videos and texts which expose the cover-up.

*Definition. sanguivolent, bloodthirsty.

Further to the videos recently circulated to you, here are others which need to be taken seriously. Understanding how the Zapruder film was re-made into a composite before its showing to the Warren Commission, and eventually the public, is helpful. To conceal the slowing and stopping of the car in the kill zone, by removal of tell-tale frames whilst the film was in possession of the FBI, contributes to establishing cover-up.

JFK’s Revenge part 1 – The Zapruder Film Was Altered

The Muchmore Film Suggests Frames Were Removed from the Zapruder Film

Please note that attorney Mark Lane’s first class, moving video, Two Men in Dallas has five parts.  Here is a recapitulation of various videos:

Is Fecit Cui Profuit:
He did the deed who profited by it.

Consider the imminent reduction of the oil depletion allowance (billions); the planned withdrawal of the military from Vietnam; the treasury (not Federal Reserve) printing of billions of interest-free cash for issue in 1964 (subsequently burned at LBJ’s order); the progressive takeover from the private banks and Fed of the issuance of credit (interest-free) and national currency (à la Lincoln and the ‘greenbacks’); the dissolution of the CIA; the advocated rapprochement with the USSR; consequent massive reduction of armaments and military expenditures; the investigation of LBJ for large-scale graft and possible involvement in Texas homicides by Attorney General Bobby Kennedy’s department… just for starters…

In case you have not yet seen them, I have listed for you some videos indispensable to the acquisition of an objective overview.

We have great respect for attorney Mark Lane’s painstaking, courageous expositions. He interviewed people whose eye-witness and other crucial testimony was excluded by the FBI (Hoover) from presentation to the Warren Commission.

Not that the commission was slow to invent false schemes of its own; viz. Gerald Ford ‘moved’ the middle-right back-wound ‘up’ to allow the small frontal throat-entry-wound to ‘become’ an ‘exit’ wound to explain away a shot he claimed to have been from behind and above (despite Parkland doctors’ designating it a small circular entry aperture “about the width of the end of a little finger”).

After the cadaver had left Parkland, the front throat wound was subsequently photographed much enlarged, presumably from a discreet, unadmitted intervention to locate, extract and conceal another bullet lodged internally, and to obscure it as having been another shot from the front (making at least four shots, with James Tague‘s pavement near miss). However, eyewitnesses at the hospital saw that the car had taken two more hits. The president’s brain was also removed at that undisclosed intervention (before the official post mortem; autopsy; see Hankey’s video and TMWKK), as witnessed by the Bethesda hospital porters when it arrived in Washington.

Another fiction was assistant counsel to the commission Arlen Specter’s impossible ‘single bullet theory’ which claimed to have struck first Kennedy from behind and exited his throat at the front, and then passed through the back/chest/rib, right wrist and finally lodged in the left thigh of Connolly, ‘apparently’ falling out onto the hospital trolley to be ‘found’ by a porter.

John Hankey spotted the Hoover-to-George Bush letter of reply and saw its incriminating significance. It was only released from secret FBI files around the turn of this century amongst hundreds of thousands of other pages of documents.

The coup d’état was complete and the instigators are still at it. Old they may be, but some of these military-industrial complex bank-owner-villains are active to this day. Their putrescent progeny are out of the same mould.

Also, LBJ’s mistress admits knowledge to his participation in the conspiracy; well worth a look.

Oswald’s girlfriend in Dallas’s fascinating account gives a rare view of the man.

CIA operative E. Howard Hunt (who participated in the CIA’s illegal but admitted 1954 overthrow of the elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán; was involved in the planning of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba; and was later one of the White House’s Watergate burglars), made a deathbed audio tape confession to his son stating his prior knowledge of the conspiracy, and describing as “maniacal” LBJ’s obsession with becoming president. After Hunt’s death, his sons Howard St. John and David released the tape and notes of their father’s confessions onto the Internet.

1. Rush to Judgement, attorney Mark Lane’s sobering investigation

2. Two Men in Dallas. Mark Lane’s interview of fated Dallas witness, honest policeman Roger Craig – part one
part two
Five essential Parts. Never forget: 1.) The Mauser — no Mannlicher Carcano was present in the TSBDepository; and 2.) The presence of Malcolm ‘Mac’ Wallace’s little-fingerprint in the TSBD sniper’s nest. Wallace was a released but previously convicted murderer of a golf-pro dating LBJ’s sister. The unfortunate man was disapproved of by LBJ.

3. The Men who Killed Kennedy Documentary, Oswald’s girlfriend’s account, part 8

4. In addition to part 8, the entire documentary, TMWKK, is recommended.
Coroner and lifelong forensic scientist Howard Wecht’s professional assessments, and former senior secret service officer Prouty’s explanation about the desertion of duty, stand-down and complicity of secret service personnel present, are compelling. Much else of interest too.

5. JFK II – The Bush Connection Documentary by John Hankey

6. LBJ’s mistress nails him!

7. E.H. Hunt’s deathbed confessions

Yours sincerely,

Kenn d’Oudney.

Better never to vote at all than vote for a person who does not make EQUAL JUSTICE the prime aim of government by RESTORATION and UNIVERSAL ADOPTION of Constitutional Legem Terræ Common Law Trial by Jury.”

Australian Government set to test GMO vaccine against Cholera


GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (Photo credit: live w mcs)

The Australian Federal Government is about to start testing a GMO (genetically modified) vaccine to supposedly protect us all from ‘cholera’.  The vaccines will contain live bacteria and some configuration of mercury.  So far it’s Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria.  

Read the Federal Government documents on their website.

The Government has also determined that you have consented to organ donation, so Australia is on the march of turning into a communist nation, and instead of denouncing China’s Transplant surgeons and mobile death vans where they harvest organs from live people, they allow the Chinese to build a tunnel from their embassy in Canberra to Parliament House.

Thousands of people need to fire up their Law Administration Process as soon as possible to hold the bastards responsible – let them know in no uncertain terms that you do not consent and you will hold them strictly liable for any harmful health effects, and that you refuse to be forcibly medicated.  Please tell everyone you know our Government is out of control and lets do something about this peaceably through the law (what’s left of it).

Was Graham Rynders set-up by Newman Government to create the Queensland Gestapo?

Post by Renaissance Learning Foundation

Martin Bryant

Martin Bryant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Where to begin?  Having seen the video of the infamous Port Arthur Massacre which was on You Tube for a brief time showed ALL the victims had been shot in the head.  If I was on a jury I would vote in favour of it being a professional hit rather than the murderous aggression supposedly displayed by one man, an intellectually challenged man called Martin Bryant who looks like a peaceful hippy dude.  I don’t believe the story in the Courier Mail on the weekend just gone where Rupert Murdoch’s journalists push the story that Martin Bryant had a look of murderous intent according to a third hand hearsay of a supposed guard assigned to protect Bryant.

Australia - Queensland - Queensland Police

The set-up or conspiracy surrounding Graham Rynders, former Assistant Police Commissioner of Queensland, and the new Bikie Laws set to be rammed through the Queensland Parliament, without the Fitzgerald Report’s recommended Committee Review, is prima facie evidence that the Queensland Government is out of control.  I would even go so far to say that the Campbell Newman lead Queensland Government has lost control of the State to those “faceless men” that the politicians keep referring to.

Word around the water cooler is that there’s a hit out on Campbell Newman, which would explain the crackdown of security around the Queensland Parliament.  After winning government his rapid unpopularity with Queenslanders leaves about 95% of the population with a grudge against him and his stupid laws.

One of 20 bikies from some gang

However I suspect these laws that are being passed on bikie gangs are directives which have been passed down via the United States Government, given that Brisbane will be holding the G20 in Brisbane next year.  Is our Fuhrer, Campbell Newman, a Dictator, or are his hands literally tied behind his back?  Has he been told to toe the line or get a bullett in the head, which is one of the favoured means of assassinations upon which the government can seize upon a “story” like the “story” that Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman assassinated JFK, and magic bullett theory.  It is the fiftieth anniversary of the JFK assassination and Sixty Minutes is still pumping this stupid theory while simultaneously ignoring all the evidence, so they can shout TERRORIST to support the ramp up of more laws like the Patriot Act, or if the powers that be decided they didn’t want it public, Mr Newman would find himself in a very nasty car accident like Princess Di and Princess Grace, using an assassination technique called the Boston Brakes technique.

Back to Graham Rynders.  Rumour has it that this whole episode started when Campbell Newman rang now retired ex-Assistant Police Commissioner Kathy Rynders to ask her to go to Bundaberg to do the Flood Report.  She flatly refused but Mr Newman told her to think about it and that he would ring her back.  Upon the second phone call Kathy Rynders again flatly refused to interrupt her retirement with any work commitments.

Campbell Newman then asked Brett Pointing to go to Bundaberg to do the Flood Report which he accepted.  Did Brett Pointing conditionally consent to Newman’s request, with his reward being a raise and promotion?  Alternatively, was Newman leaned upon, perhaps by ex-Queensland Police Commissioner Atkinson to use Pointing to further the LNP’s agenda?  Brett Pointing has used Atkinson as a referee, so it is reasonable to suggest that they have a connection, which could be just friends, or possibly there is connection with freemasonry, given Penelope Wensley had an appointment at the PRIVATE Masonic Centre in Ann Street, Brisbane that had something to do with Pointing.  Was Newman leaned upon to parachute FBI Trained Bulldog Brett Pointing into position down the Gold Coast?

Rumour also has it that Graham Rynders was set-up by Queensland Police Commissioner Stewart or someone else of equal or higher authority, because when Graham Rynders learned he was being kicked out of the Gold Coast he went to his boss or someone of higher authority and was told to take a holiday and go shooting and that it would all be taken care of by the time he returned.  However, while Graham Rynders was away on holiday, suddenly the papers run with the exact opposite story that Rynders was missing in action when the bikie brawl took place.

The Bikie Brawl had to be a set-up by the police &/or the Government (ASIO) to oust Graham Rynders from his post, and to remove his standing and power within police ranks. The whole bikie thing stinks to high heaven.  It is a beat up.  Their rap sheet is pretty weak when you take out the drug charges and failing to appear.

Anyway, the Iran Contra scandal showed that it is certain people within the government that are the ones that ship the guns and smuggle the drugs, and the worldwide drug trade has no trade barriers, and the tentacles reach into the highest places.  Sure, the bikies could be involved in the drug trade, but the Mr Bigs are the untouchables – the ones with the network of power of blood oaths to conceal and never reveal as in the Freemasonic Order, High initiates in positions of power can control the evidence and control the media.

The killing of Damian Leeding who was shot in the head was the mark of a hit, possibly because Damian Leeding knew too much, or was about to talk.  The attempted hit on Gary Hamrey has the same hallmarks, however it was either a warning, or Hamrey was very lucky.  Whatever the case, it is reasonable to suggest that the hits emanated from the government or police or ASIO or even the CIA, which are the real Nazi’s.

The JFK Assassination (John F. Kennedy) showed clearly the links and that the American Nazi’s actually won WWII, and that JFK’s assassination was a coup d’etat to overthrow the American Government.  Australian Archives show that there was a Nazi gang here just after the war, and their diagram indicating how they were going to infiltrate and run the Australian government, with Black Ops to keep and take control of dissenters.

The ASIO and CIA are linked by the common fact that Australia’s Parliament has a Capitol Hill, and America has Capitol Hill, and the Vatican also has a Capitol Hill.  Both America’s private Federal Reserve (which is not Federal and has no reserves) and the private Reserve Bank of Australia commenced in 1913.  That is not a mere coincidence.

The signs and symbols are satanic in meaning and nature, and these people who have the real power live to control and kill and wreck havoc.  The assassins work for the bankers, the Rothschilds who are Zionists and who apparently own 80% of IS-RA-EL.  It’s not about the money, it’s about control for the sake of control.

Rynders had been told not to quit, but to wait until the Newman sacks him because the stingy LNP will then have to fork out about $300,000 to pay him out.


Australian Royal Commission into Paedophilia Fails Justice

14 June 2013

Australian Royal Commission into Paedophilia fails any test of justice for the victims, and the test for investigative powers.

Family Court

Family Court (Photo credit: lewisha1990)

Bruce Bell of has sent a letter on 3rd June 2013 to all Australian politicians, both Labor and Liberal politicians, as well as the Greens and Independents, alerting them to the unpleasant facts that our justice system has failed and is continuing to fail any test for justice for the victims of sexual abuse and the children’s parents by due process in the Family Law courts. points out some disturbing facts about corruption in our government and in our courts that is endemic.  Unfortunately though this is not a localised problem restricted to Australia, because late one night several years back the Federal Police held a press conference which was aired on the ABC about 11pm at night, where they declared that the white slave (sex trafficking) trade links went all the way to the United Nations.  Shortly after that Mick Keelty retired from the AFP.  This subject did not get any more media attention, but was rather buried by the press’ propensity to distract our attention with the antics of the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard or the Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott.

This is by no means a small or minor blimp on the radar of what gets passed off as news. The failure of the Royal Commission to investigate the courts leaves gaping holes in our justice system, which is akin to declaring war on the Australian people, while simultaneously demonizing the ‘problem’ of paedophilia to corrupt church officials.

Many people who unofficially are part of the worldwide “Justice Movement” say that Australia is sliding into communism, as is the world sliding into a fascist dictatorship ruled by satanists who sexually molest and murder in the name of a good time.  When peace becomes war and when speaking the truth gets you thrown in jail (gaol) or worse, then you know you live in a fascist state.  John Pilger interviewed a freedom fighter once who said that the people who live under dictatorships had one thing in their favour over their western counterparts, and that was at least the people knew they were being fed propaganda.

Like all corrupt western governments, the Australian government is posing as providing a solution to the problem of paedophilia, while simultaneously creating the problem and protecting the problem by protecting the courts. has real evidence of corruption.  Consider the following:

  • Federal and State courts are criminally corrupt, particularly the Family Court;
  • Unsuitable appointees appointed to hear evidence in the Royal Commission;
  • Royal Commission is restricted on who they can investigate;
  • Parents being purposely bankrupted without recourse;
  • Real property being stolen from parents by the courts;
  • External supervision of courts has been dropped;
  • Government refuses to control Administrative Rules of the court (due process);
  • Government is OVER funding departments where children are forced into “care” while simultaneously under funding other departments;
  • Governments are appointing unsuitable people as judges, magistrates and other  high positions;
  • Government are creating and allowing SECRET courts (s 121 of Family Law Act provides up to a year in jail for anyone disclosing an identity of a child (even a dead child) involved in family law proceedings;
  • Government allows Family courts to selectively suppress evidence while allowing hearsay;
  • Government allows Family courts to prohibit parents from using independent, unbiased expert witnesses in their own defence;
  • Government has blessed the Family Court with the status of a superior court, meaning the Family court is as powerful as the Supreme Court of Appeal.
  • Only the High Court can hear appeals from the Family court or disciplinary reviews;
  • Government (ASIO) harasses whistleblowers by interferring with vehicles and communications, including malicious damage.
  • Well known crime writer, Bob Bottom has revealed corrupt police in the drug trade have a symbiotic (mutual business) relationship with the paedophile network;
  • The High Court registry has for at least the past fifteen years been treasonously defying s 75 of the Constitution which requires the High Court to deal with the main categories of errors judges can make, by “losing” filed documents (Mr Thompson’s and Mr K….’s), refusing to file Writs, and refusing to deal with any such Applications for Justice whenever corrupt judges are the defendants;
  • alleges it has proof in the form of signatures of Justices Bell, Crennan and Keifel on High Court letterhead, where they refused to file Constitutional Writs to rectify illegal child stealing and property theft by labelling the cases “Frivolous and Vexatious”, while ignoring the solid and unrebutted evidence of two boys who had suffered life-long sexual abuse.

Read Bruce Bell’s letter here. has requested that the politicians respond by 27 June 2013.  Watch this space for updates.

Is the new Pope Francis Peter the Roman?

Excerpt from

Every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea.

Pope Francis met with media

Pope Francis met with media (Photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales))

On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of the Jewish Society of Jesus, former right hand man to Jesuit Superiors General Pedro Arrupe and Peter-Hans Kolvenbach has been elected Pope Francis after St. Francis of Assisi Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone, an Italian who was once a beggar in Rome, effectively making Bergoglio “Peter the Roman.”

Francis is the first Jesuit and the first from the Americas to be elected Pope and almost certainly the last pope prophesied.  He is the first non-European pope since Syrian-born Pope Gregory III, who served for ten years (731–741).  Francis I appears to fulfil Revelation 17:11 and the sequel to the prophecies of St. Malachy:

“In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed [in accordance with Revelation 18:4-20], and the formidable Judge will judge His people. The End !, after the brief ‘hot stage’ of World War III”

Jesuit Pope Agenda – Meet The Templars, Knights of Malta And Blackwater/Xe Exterminators … Friday, March 15th, 2013.

Mining for the Truth is like digging at the decrepit body of manipulated worldly information for real substance. A pile of petrified insanity, we’re chipping away at it until inner forms are revealed. That the new Pope is a Jesuit, the first one ever, is a very big deal. The Jesuits are no small force. People think they resemble innocuous Franciscan monks who focus on education.  Nothing could be further from the truth. They are the polar opposite. Of the worst sort.

Beware this new Pope. His roots are nasty and we’re in an age of increasing darkness and violence. This ruthless, militant Jesuit “society” has one hellish oath that should get you wondering and researching real fast.


English: Monochrome version of the IHS emblem ...

English: Monochrome version of the IHS emblem of the Jesuits Polski: IHS – symbol Towarzystwa Jezusowego (zakonu jezuitów) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Jesuit Oath Exposed
Hold on for this one. This is an excerpt, and this oath is still in use.

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.


Revisionist History Cover Up – Meet the Jesuit Order
The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and ‘stands in the shadow’ of the white Pope).

The “Society of Jesus” – as they are officially known – was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution’s primary objective. Source

While so-called modern history hardly mentions how hated this fanatical sect was, it wasn’t long ago that it was well known to be an “odious” and extremely dangerous organization.

Just look at these quotes:

“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola.” – John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.” – Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

“The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.” – Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)

“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.” – Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)

“[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.” – R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy)

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” – Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Next, I defer to Vigilant Citizen with his succinct summary of the Illuminati/Jesuit connections:

Adam Weishaupt, Trained by the Jesuits

Adam Weishaupt was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria on February 6, 1748. His father died when he was seven and his godfather, Baron Ickstatt, entrusted his early education to the most powerful group of the time: the Jesuits. Known for its subversive methods and conspiratorial tendencies, the Society of Jesus had a stronghold on Bavaria’s politics and educational system.

“The degree of power to which the representatives of the Society of Jesus had been able to attain in Bavaria was all but absolute. Members of the order were the confessors and preceptors of the electors; hence they had a direct influence upon the policies of government. The censorship of religion had fallen into their eager hands, to the extent that some of the parishes even were compelled to recognize their authority and power. To exterminate all Protestant influence and to render the Catholic establishment complete, they had taken possession of the instruments of public education. It was by Jesuits that the majority of the Bavarian colleges were founded, and by them they were controlled. By them also the secondary schools of the country were conducted.” 4

The inner-workings of the Society of Jesus was quite similar to the occult Brotherhoods it was apparently working against. It functioned with degrees, initiation rites, elaborate rituals and esoteric symbols and had been suppressed countless times in several countries due to its subversive tendencies.

In 1773, Weishaupt’s godfather used his great influence at the University of Ingolstadt to place his godson as chair of canon law. At that time, the institution was under heavy Jesuitical dominance and that particular position was traditionally held by influential Jesuits. Weishaupt’s growing embrace of Age of Enlightenment philosophies placed him at odds with the Jesuits and all kinds of political drama ensued. Despite this fact, Weishaupt learned a lot from the Jesuit’s organization and their subversive methods to obtain power. It is during this time that the idea of a Secret Society began to enter Weishaupt’s thoughts.

“Brilliant, and well trained in the conspiratorial methods of access to power, young Weishaupt decided to organize a body of conspirators, determined to free the world from the Jesuitical rule of Rome.” 5

While some authors believe that the Jesuits (who were suppressed by papal bull in 1773) used Weishaupt to perpetuate their rule, others state that he was seeking to overthrow their powerful hold on Bavaria. On a wider scale, he was convinced that the world would profit from the overthrow of all governmental and religious institutions in the world to replace them by a world-wide, yet secretive, committee of “initiates”. To achieve his aims, he would use Jesuit methods against the Jesuits.

The Militant Catholic Church and World Domination
Few would believe what the Vatican has been up to all these centuries. Vietnam was commonly known as Spelly’s War, named after Cardinal Spellman. Why…Exterminating infidels?  Cardinal Spellman gave mass to the troops in WW2

Successor to Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco and Knight of Malta, King Juan Carlos, with Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Andrew Cardinal Bertie

Knight of Malta Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1744–1812)

The Knights of Malta is not merely a “charitable organization”.  That’s just an elaborate front… As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry. Most people have never even heard of SMOM, much less that it is a part of Freemasonry. But that is the way the aristocratic elite like it.

(same double eagle as Freemasonry–ed.)

One of the symbols of the military orders of the Vatican, the masonic double-headed eagle emblazoned with the Maltese cross, signifies omnipotent royal dominion over both East and West. The orb signifies temporal dominion over the globe of Earth, and the scepter signifies control over the spiritual and religious impulses of humanity.

This eagle symbol is used in the masonic rite of Memphis and Misraim, under which it reads, “Order Out of Chaos”, the Hegelian method of crisis creation. It is found on the seals of many European and Eurasian nation states including that of Russia, indicating direct Vatican control over those countries. (Source)

More on the Double-headed Eagle and the ‘Redshilds’

The two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield was adopted in 1743 by the infamous goldsmith Amschel Moses Bauer. He opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany and hung above his door this Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the “Red Shield firm”. The German word for ‘red shield’ is Rothschild. After this point, the Rothschilds became the bankers to kings and pontiffs alike, among the richest families in the world. Ever since, they have financed both sides of every major war and revolution using the Hegelian Dialectic to engineer society toward their New World Order.

The Rothschilds and their agents, such as the Rockefellers, have been engineering America and its foreign policy almost since its inception. They and their Skull and Bones Wall Street partners staged and funded both sides in WWII, and out of that hellish nightmare was born their infant global government, the United Nations, and their tool of tyranny, the CIA. The father of the CIA, “Wild Bill” Donovan, was a Knight of Malta. In order to be a director of the CIA you must be a crusading Knight of Malta and it doesn’t hurt if you are a member of Skull and Bones either. In order to reach the highest levels in the Pentagon establishment, you must be an illuminated Freemason and/or a Knight of one order or another. Notable US military members of SMOM include top crusading generals such as Alexander Haig, William Westmoreland, and Charles A. Willoughby, an admitted Fascist.

Other notable members include:
* Reinhard Gehlen (Nazi war criminal)
* Heinrich Himmler (Nazi war criminal)
* Kurt Waldheim (Nazi war criminal)
* Franz von Papen (Hitler enabler)
* Fritz Thyssen (Hitler’s financier)
* Rupert Murdoch
* Tony Blair
* Pat Buchanan
* William F. Buckley, Jr.
* Precott Bush, Jr.
* Edward Egan (Archbishop NY)
* Licio Gelli
* Ted Kennedy
* David Rockefeller
* Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
* J. Edgar Hoover
* Joseph Kennedy
* Henry Luce
* Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill
* Ronald E. Reagan
* Giscard d’Estaing
* Allen Dulles
* Avery Dulles
* Frank C Carlucci
* Nelson Mandela
* Rick Santorum
* Juan Carlos (King of Spain and Jerusalem)
* Oliver North
* George H.W Bush
* Augusto Pinochet
* William Randolph Hearst
* Francis L. Kellogg

Coat of Arms of Queensland

Coat of Arms of Queensland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Queensland Australia Connection

Note the Cross of Malta in the coat of arms of the State of Queensland, Australia … all Judges in Queensland are Catholics.

The Blackwater / Xe Connection

Such a list should make anyone sit up and pay attention, but it is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. Then we come to another SMOM member, important to what is transpiring in Iraq and other toppled or soon to-be-toppled States. Educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University, former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz, Blackwater’s operations chief, is a member of both SMOM and Opus Dei.

Former Pentagon Inspector General Joseph Edward Schmitz quit in 2005 to work for Blackwater. He is a member of Opus Dei and Knights of Malta. At least $2 trillion went “missing” from the Pentagon during his watch.

The Knights of Malta in Iraq?
Malta Star | Sep 29, 2007

An American investigative journalist compared the US firm Blackwater, the biggest security services provider in post war Iraq, to the Knights of Malta.  The company is currently in the midst of a controversy after some of its 20,000 personnel stationed in Iraq killed a number of civilians.

In his book, ‘Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army’, Jeremy Scahill links the modern security firm to the Knights of Malta.  The writer argues that “Blackwater’s employees… share the same religious zeal of ancient crusaders”, the Egyptian weekly newspaper Al-Ahram reported.

All the top Nazis in our government are connected in some way to the Vatican, Jesuits and Knights of Malta and have been for decades, as were the Italian Fascists and German Nazis of WWII. After all, what was their favorite symbol after the swastika? The Maltese Cross of course!(Dejan Lucic–source)

Earlier Malta Boys Formed the “Intelligence” Agencies.  Who formed the CIA? It was a Catholic Knight of Malta, William “Wild Bill” Donovan. He was considered the “father of the CIA.” he was also the former head of the OSS before he was used to create the CIA.

Donovan was given an especially prestigious form of knighthood that has only been given to a hundred other men in history.

Over the years there have been many CIA bosses who were also Knights of Malta and/or Jesuit trained.

And Who Formed the FBI?

It was a powerful Roman Catholic who was also a Knight of Malta and a trustee of The Catholic University of America. Charles Joseph Bonaparte.

“The degree of Knight of Malta is conferred in the United States as “an appendant Order” in a Commandery of Knights Templar. ~Source

Blackwater/Xe – Today’s Crusading Templars/Knights of Malta?

Blackwater/Xe is more than just a “private army”, and much more than just another capitalist war-profiteering business operation.

It is an army operating outside all laws, outside and above the US Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater/Xe is a religious army serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity with special diplomatic powers and privileges.

Like Blackwater, the Order of Malta is “untouchable” because it is at the heart of the elite aristocracy. ~Source

The ‘beauty’ of private mercenaries, a growing trend worldwide as we move toward a fascist global state, is that they’re not held accountable to anything like regular military bodies are, and can operate outside the confines of such things as international law, political restraints, or the immobility of large armies. In addition, when their loyalties can be traced to an over-riding allegiance to a foreign state or other seditious influence, we have even more serious problems.

English: Erik D. Prince (born June 6, 1969), a...

English: Erik D. Prince (born June 6, 1969), american founder and sole owner of the private military company Xe; portrait photograph of a man with short hair, wearing a suit and tie, his hands folded in front of him. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Erik, Prince of War

Erik Prince, the founder and owner of the now infamous US corporation, Blackwater/Xe, hails from Holland, Michigan where his family was both powerful and prominent in two institutions – (1) the Republican Party and (2) the evangelical Christian Church. After scandals hit his large and lucrative firm, Prince ordered a curious rebranding that changed its name to Xe.

From the perspective of medieval Christian symbology, ‘Xe’ is a combination of the Christic cross and the Greek letter, Epsilon, the first letter in the Greek word, Evangelion, glad tidings or gospel. From the perspective of a modern member of the Knights Templar, Xe is immediately recognizable as it symbolizes Christian Evangelism. (source)

Now there’s an honest face…

The Catholic connection, unlike his family, which is part of the Christian Reformed Church, Erik Prince is a Catholic. Interestingly enough, most of the leadership at Blackwater/Xe is also Catholic, albeit a conservative wing of the church that is quite reactionary. Erik Prince is personally connected to conservative Catholic groups like Catholic Answer, Crisis magazine, and a Grand Rapids-based group, the Acton Institute.

Prince’s relationship to what Scahill calls the “Theocon” movement is not marginal. Prince himself writes about this relationship and it’s importance, particularly with the mission of Blackwater. Prince says “Everybody carries guns, just like the Prophet Jeremiah rebuilding the temple in Israel – a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other.”

Prince’s background

Erik Prince’s personal Crusade

Among his personnel at Xe, Prince is known to be a high-profile Islamophobe who believes his personal mission in life is to bring about the total extinction of the Muslim population of this planet in what he has described as a global campaign of genocide or a, “Crusade.”

Here is an excerpt of an article about Prince that appeared in The Economist:

In an affidavit lodged with a court in Virginia, one of the witnesses said that Mr Prince “views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe.” The statement continues…

“To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.”

How comforting. Murder for hire meets religious zeal embedded in Christian patriotism. Nice combo.

Blackwater/Xe Headquarters in Moyock, N.C.

Beware: They’re Proliferating…

It gets worse, this captivating cause, these deviant demons, are metastasizing:

Through a network of 30 subsidiaries and shell corporations, Blackwater-linked entities provided “intelligence, training and security services” to a cache of major multinational firms, including: Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained.

Blackwater’s owner and founder, Erik Prince — who has himself been linked to the CIA — helped train companies through two other firms he controlled: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center. (Source)

Imagine a worldwide Mafia with many ‘families’…

There’s so much more to this than can be covered here, but it’s certainly worth investigating. These secretive controllers have many arms, many disguises, but all are carefully controlled and working in concert…although I’m sure these evil forces have their differences, which would explain some of the discrepancies we see in the news.

But they all converge at the apex of power and control somehow. Nasty bunch who don’t flinch at eliminating each other either.

It’s also apparent the ‘Powers That Be’ love these ‘free hands’ of blindly committed ‘crusaders’ we’ve described here to wreak havoc, vengeance, chaos, conflict, anything to justify their continued war on humanity until it’s beaten into a fascist one world state of submission. Know, too, all the ‘intelligence’ agencies CIA, Mossad, MI6, ISI, etc. are all connected with these boys and many others, which is why it’s so hard to clearly expose the perfidy of what’s happening since they’re all in it together in an unholy, strangely knotted alliance.

Conclusion…The Goal is to Terrorize, Divide and Conquer–then Unite Under their ‘Illumined Leadership’

So they hope. Evil cannot triumph in the long run–they can only flail against the Truth which stands indomitable, inextinguishable and eternal. Their only temporal power is in fear and ignorance, which is why we need to do all we can to enlighten and empower those around us.

And it’s not all black and white, so don’t expect complete clarity before taking action. Nor is there anything to get fearful about. Many of those on the inside want out, but cannot escape. Many are working to change this pattern, or alert their fellow man, such as the man who testified about Erik Prince. Look for it. We are the power. There are very few of them. All we need to do is wake up–and stay awake. And alert others. We’ll know what to do next.

But we must be informed and connect these dots for ourselves. And this is only part of the picture. Once people realize it’s not paranoia to realize there are very real agendas afoot, things start to clear up.

Although it can be somewhat daunting at first…

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – President Woodrow Wilson

Screw that attitude! What cowards..that’s what got us here, their fear of speaking up! In no way does that knowledge mean the rest of us are to remain in the dark or hide our heads in the sand.

Just the opposite!

Thankfully it gets clearer all the time! As dear Bill Hicks put it;

Everything makes sense if you just put on the right glasses.

Keep yours on, and bravely.
Love, Zen @

Decoding the Article: Rise and demise of an empire: the new world order

English: United States President Barack Obama ...

English: United States President Barack Obama signs into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as Vice President Joe Biden looks on. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Analysis of the a “Story” (read propaganda or spin)  Mirrored from

November 3, 2012

NOTE:  MIRRORED Story is in BLACK My comments are in Red)

Official photographic portrait of US President...

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As China and America face leadership transitions in coming weeks, the changes highlight how the Middle Kingdom (read Middle East / Middle Earth / Middle Power / United Nations)  is set to topple the US (read United States Corporation – note they did not say USA – they are going to topple Wall Street and bring on the biggest wall street crash seen in history) as the world’s lone superpower. (United Nations HQ are in America – allows UN to bring in Agenda 21 effortlessly, turning (new world) order out of chaos) in US Nick O’Malley and John Garnaut report.

Late one afternoon in mid-February China’s president-in-waiting, Xi Jinping, stood on the verandah of Sarah Lande’s home on a bluff that rises over the town of Muscatine in Iowa and looked out over the slow flow of the Mississippi River into Indiana.  (Who is Sarah Lande? – she is an knowing or unknowing agent for the UN Agenda 21 Sister Cities Friendship Association Propaganda Spin Machine) 

Over tea, in the rather grand front room of the Landes’ polished Victorian home, Xi told Lande he had dreamt of the Mississippi since reading Mark Twain as a child.  (Agenda 21 captures the rivers using law as wildlife corridors which prohibit human interference – get your water elsewhere sucker!!!)

Being one of the most powerful men on earth, Xi was not the only guest. Lande remembers the Muscatine mayor (knowing or unknowing agent of UN Agenda 21, or Freemason, or Fabian Socialist) , China’s ambassador to the United States and assorted Chinese ministers. There were also 14 men and women whom Lande refers to as the “group of friends” (secret society members such as the Chinese Dragon Mafia) Xi had met when he travelled to the region in 1985 as part of an agricultural exchange (Alabama had xxx acres of agricultural land turned into a reserve – get your food elsewhere suckers!!!  Is that what they’re planning for Muscatine?)

Mitt Romney at one of his presidential campaig...

Mitt Romney at one of his presidential campaign rallies. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When Fairfax Media (owned & controlled propaganda/spin doctored media empire) visited last month (UN Agent) Lande showed off the group photo taken on her stairs, and standing by the fire place where Xi had stood she explained how he had said: “For me, you are America.”  (UN Agenda 21 plans to get rid of the people – then when there are no more people America ceases to exist).

It is easy to imagine how the pretty rural prosperity of Muscatine might have impressed a Chinese provincial official (at steal at those Real Estate prices – the rich buy up the land, turn it into carbon sinks while disallowing / disincentivising agiculture and making a motza profit) less than a decade after the end of the Cultural Revolution.

“We treated him – what we like to call – ‘Iowa nice’,” Lande explains, referring to a form of hospitality that tends to include warm plain talk, corn and pork (no gmo or vaccinated and hormally treated pork for Xi and his mates?).

Xi might not feel so welcome now, at the end of a long and bitterly fought election (what spin – China does not have elections) campaign in which China has sometimes been used as a cipher (cipher means encrypting text and hidden messages, also numerically stands for zero or no quantity and the numeral three, in numerology defines the three points on a pyramid – an symbol used in the secret societies) for American fears (fear is spin doctored because America has self-mutilated itself) of economic, social and political decline.

In ads and speeches the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney (globalist puppet and Morman read secret society CIA operative), has accused President Barack Obama (Globalist Manchurian Candidate) of being too soft on China (Romney is another war monger) and has vowed to label the Chinese as currency manipulators ”on day one”.  (That may be true but America’s problems began when it allowed the Federal Reserve to set up shop in 1913 – blame the Rothschild banks not China – China was apparently duped into buying mortgage backed securities and has since asked for its money back).

The Obama campaign has portrayed Romney as a vulture capitalist who has enriched himself by exporting American manufacturing jobs to China.  (Romney is part of the problem)

In one anti-Romney ad a worker explains how the new owners of his company instructed staff to remove the American flag.  Allegedly non-partisan independent groups have been on the attack, too.  Ten days ago a group called Citizens Against Government Waste revived a highly controversial ad, which is set in Beijing in the year 2030, in which a professor is lecturing a class on why great nations fail.

”America tried to spend and tax itself out of a great recession,” the professor explains in subtitled Mandarin. ”Of course, we owned most of their debt. So now they work for us.”

The professor titters, the class laughs.  (Its true and its no laughing matter)

In these dying days of the deadlocked election both parties have focused on Ohio, where Obama led by just 1.9 points (perfect for vote rigging) in the Real Clear Politics poll average on Tuesday.

All indications are that again this state could decided which party wins the election. There is also evidence that Obama is still enjoying some advantage among the white male demographic as a result of his bailout of the auto industry.

This week Romney’s campaign attacked on the issue, releasing an ad claiming that the bailout had led to Chrysler – which had been bought out by Fiat – transferring jobs to China.

The ad is not entirely true, as the plant in China is expanding to increase output to feed demand from the burgeoning Chinese middle class. Jobs are not being transferred from the US to China, they are being created in China.

But electoral politics is a killing ground for such nuance, and though the ad has been torn apart by the fact-checkers that have been so much a part of this campaign, the response of Romney’s team has been to ramp up their broadcasting in Ohio. Clearly strategists believe it is working.

Two days after the November 6 election the Chinese Communist Party will begin its own leadership transition at the Great Hall of the People (should be renamed The Great Hall of the Ruling Class). The 18th Party Congress, from November 8 (eight is Chinese auspicious number) to 14, will be immediately followed by the unveiling of the new general secretary, Xi Jinping, and the expected new Premier, Li Keqiang, and their team, on November 15. The personalities and positions that are set in Washington and Beijing will shape the world.

united states currency eye- IMG_7364_web

united states currency eye- IMG_7364_web (Photo credit: kevindean)

The coincidence of a US and China leadership transition is a once-in-40-year event (the Trilateral Commission will be looking to take advantage from). And it is happening at a historic moment when China is challenging the United States’ position as the world’s sole superpower.

If Xi can keep the ship on course, the Chinese economy may well overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy during his decade-long term. China. Every country in the region is scrambling to exploit, hedge and otherwise adjust its bearings.

”The weight of the world’s economy (especially since Gillard has pledged Australia will help bail out Greece at taxpayer expense) is genuinely moving in our direction,” the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, said this week, unveiling her new white paper (hiding a dark lie – Fabian Socialists are black wolves in white sheep’s clothing – their insignia) on the Asia Century. ”When we map (UN Agenda 21 is mapping the world into regions within regions devolving control for implementation of Agenda 21 to the local governments masquerading as councils masquerading as Corporate entities) the centre of gravity of global consumption (could we see a Pole Shift?) we see it is shifting east by more than 100 miles a year.”

Inevitably, where economic power goes, strategic and military power follow. The global centre of military fire power is shifting towards this region almost as fast as GDP. Canberra has been at the vanguard of building and reinvigorating a latticework of regional security relationships, anchored in the might of the United States. A year ago Obama chose the Australian Parliament as the venue to announce his foreign policy ”pivot” (read war mongering) to Asia.

”The possibility that we could devolve into a much more confrontational relationship is at one of the highest points than at any time since the opening of relations,” says Bates Gill (an ancronym for Bill Gates), the newly arrived CEO of the US studies centre (an agent for the Trilaterial Commission?) at the University of Sydney, who is also an expert on China security issues.

The Obama administration and the Gillard government have been at pains to avoid naming China as the reason (Fabian Socialists prefer deceit over outright violence).. But others aren’t so reticent.

United (States) Parcel Service.

United (States) Parcel Service. (Photo credit: matt.hintsa)

”Australians view themselves as facing a strategic threat (yes, Australia’s agricultural land is being acquired by the Chinese) – this time from a China that is growing in every way and very fast, and that shows every sign of wanting to expand territorially as well,” the Pentagon consultant Ed Luttwak writes in a new book, The Rise of China vs The Logic of Strategy.

Dennis Richardson, the outgoing secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, told his new cadets earlier this year that the rivalry between the two powers would last longer than the Cold War and it would not simply ”evolve so you can tie a ribbon on top”, according to a source in the room. ”The dynamics of the US-China relationship will shape your entire careers,” said Richardson, who has recently moved to run the Department Defence.

The realignment of diplomatic and military power will be more complex and fluid than the Cold War with the Soviets. Growing US-China rivalry is accompanied by growing interdependency (Rothschilds and bankers are back funding both sides,again).

It is no coincidence that Richardson sent two of his top China hands to key American posts. Graeme Fletcher, the former deputy head of mission at the Australian embassy in Beijing, is now the deputy in Washington. The international adviser to former prime minister Kevin Rudd, Scott Dewar, is consul-general in Honolulu, where his job is to liaise with the US Pacific Command as it deploys its six aircraft carrier strike groups, 180 ships and 1500 aircraft across half of the globe.

In June, in Singapore, the US Defence Secretary, Leon Panetta (who admitted to US Congress that he takes his orders from the United Nations), flagged a ”rebalancing” that would see 60 per cent of US naval assets positioned in the Pacific.

And in a fortnight Panetta and the outgoing US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton (treasonous whore), are scheduled to fly to Perth for the Ausmin (read ANZAC Alliance) strategic dialogue. They are pencilled in to dine with Gillard (Queen of the Fabian Socialists Australian Chapter) on November 14, after discussions with the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr (treasonous blood sucking bureaucrat), and Defence Minister, Stephen Smith.

Professor Gill says both countries will likely be ”quietly exploring” ways to increase intelligence co-operation, upgrade co-operation in operating space-related assets from Australian soil, and also enhance the capacity to maintain and re-supply American naval vessels.

It is unlikely that they will use the occasion to act on a suggestion in a recent report to the Pentagon that the local deep-water port, HMAS Stirling, will be expanded to accommodate US aircraft carriers.

The Australian ambassador to Beijing, Frances Adamson, said this week that Smith would not be making any surprise announcements about deepening military ties. Mr Smith’s press releases, she said, ”are not necessarily the sorts of things that make you swing into print and write front-page stories” (so read he will be making plans but they’re secret so forget asking about it, if you live in Australia you have no Right to Information, which used to be known as Freedom of Information)..

Not, at least, on the eve of Xi Jinping’s rise to power.

Until the start of this year the consensus among political analysts was that China would have a smooth leadership changeover, any differences safely locked away behind closed doors. This transition, however, is the first in the history of the People’s Republic that has not been orchestrated by the founding fathers of the 1949 revolution (Uhmm… very interesting!!!).

united states currency seal - IMG_7366_web

united states currency seal – IMG_7366_web (Photo credit: kevindean)

It is shaping as an epic contest at a moment of growing social, economic and political tension and uncertainty. And whereas America’s presidential candidates slog it out in public, with clear and independently (yeah, right, independent … as if!!!) enforced rules, China’s political adversaries face off against each other inside the same tent (read within the Chinese mafia families) and without enforceable ground rules (they make the rules up as they go along).

The Chinese political scandals (NO … no … not in China!?) that have leaked out from the black box this year make Romney’s tax problems look trivial.

They include the highest level attempted defection in 40 years (who attempted to defect, to where, and for what reason?); a murder of an English businessman (by the wife of a Politburo member); a top party official covering up his son’s death in an exploding Ferrari (reportedly with two semi-clad women) and foreign media expose´s that separately found that the families of two of the top leaders controlled billion-dollar fortunes. And then Xi Jinping failed to emerge in public for a fortnight.

”The poor (everyone, altogether now …. aawhh) guy – it’s like Obama four years ago – facing a completely impossible array of challenges,” Professor Geremie Barme, director of the Australian National University’s centre on China in the world, says. ”That’s probably why he took a sickie (a forced holiday under whose hand?) a few weeks ago,” he said, referring to Xi’s two-week disappearance from the public stage, which remains entirely unexplained.

”It is a state of extreme chaos,” said one Beijing political watcher, Li Weidong. ”There is nobody in absolute control.”  (Oh yes there is, we just can’t see them)

While the American contestants are sometimes reacting crudely to the fact of China’s rapidly accumulating power, those in China seem more preoccupied with their own fragility. Chinese leaders have responded by bolstering their personal and collective defences with the strongest, crudest and most dangerous display of nationalism in decades.

Japan has been the target (by CIA ot MI6?) of shrill propaganda and state-sponsored protests, over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, but the spectre of America has been hovering in the background. Chinese politicians and regional security analysts see regional affairs almost entirely through the prism (looking glass = Alice in Wonderland = Crystal Ball) of what they see as the US defending its hegemony against the rising power of China.

That’s why many observers see the dispute ”as a time bomb planted by the US (told you it was the CIA) between China and Japan”, a retired senior Chinese official told foreign reporters in Hong Kong this week. ”That time bomb is now exploding or about to explode.” (read – war is imminent)

If China has emerged as a feature in American politics, then the US is China’s obsession, the measure of the country’s achievement and also the imagined ”enemy” by which it defines itself (the Rothschild bankers want control of China’s currency and banks).

”It has been a constant and strong belief that the US has sinister designs (CIA interference) to sabotage the Communist leadership and turn China into its vassal (impotent) state,” as Wang Jisi, a foreign policy adviser to a former Chinese president, explained in a candid report for the Brookings Institution (implicated in the New World Order conspiracy) earlier this year.

And while the children of the party elite are travelling in droves to study in the United States, the party itself sees the very existence of the US as a challenge to its monopoly on power. Party leaders seem to have even made a pact with each other – like a gang, or a cult (or the mafia) – that they would not succumb to American ideas.

”We have made a solemn declaration,” said China’s low profile second-ranked leader, Wu Bangguo, last year, ”that we will not employ a system of multiple parties holding office in rotation; diversify our guiding thought; separate executive, legislative and judicial powers; use a bicameral or federal system; or carry out privatisation.”

Later in 2011, Obama responded with his ”pivot” speech in Canberra, which outlined all the things that China’s leaders insist that they will resist.

”Certain rights are universal; among them, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the freedom of citizens to choose their own leaders,” Obama said (the same Obama who signed into law the NDAA, National Defence Authorisation Act which denies those subjected to it a trial, or to even know what they have been charged with). Within months of the speech the first US Marines arrived in Darwin.

If the 2008 US election was about hope and change then this year’s ambitions are far more modest (read quiet and/or grandiose). Obama is fighting a rear-guard action (actions behind the scenes to impeach him) to protect what change he managed to grind through the recalcitrant Congress he was left with after 2010, when in the midterm elections he was punished for all that he had already done and all that he had failed to do.

Romney, ignoring his own bold record on health reform as governor of Massachusetts, argues that his business experience qualifies him to cut unemployment, deficit and debt. He boasts the ambitions of a bookkeeper. His broad approach to China seems unlikely to diverge much from Obama’s, despite some occasional rhetorical excursions.

In his book No Apology – effectively a job application published two years ago, he quixotically describes how in 2006 the former US ambassador to China Clark Randt jnr told him that many Chinese believe that their nation contains an energy – much the same as an individual does – and that when that energy is blocked the nation becomes ill.

”When foreigners cut off Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan, this theory holds the weakened China and prevented it from regaining its past greatness,” Romney writes.

Mostly, however, Romney is re-phrasing Obama policy.

”It is in our best interests to draw China into the circle of responsible nations and, at the same time, to strengthen our capacity to intervene in Asia, if necessary, to prevent China from imposing its will on independent nations,” he writes.


Mitt-Romney (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of Romney’s advisers is Aaron L. Friedberg, (Picture shows Mitt Romney and ?) who served as a national security advisor to then vice-president Dick Cheney (the man at the helm during numerous atrocities) between 2003 and 2005. In September Friedberg, now a Princeton professor of public and international affairs, wrote in the journal Foreign Affairs that the ”responsible stakeholder” policy of integrating China was not working and that China’s at once ”arrogant and insecure” leadership was prompting increased tension in the Pacific and had failed to help America solve its key diplomatic problems, particularly North Korea’s and Iran’s nuclear programs.

Friedberg says China’s leadership is determined to overtake America as the dominant regional power – a situation he says America could not and should not abide. He suggests America should adopt a policy of standing its ground, continuing its engagement with China while increasing its force in the region, specifically by increasing its military investment and deepening its alliances in the region, and by supporting arms purchases (war is good business for the globalists) by those allies.

This sounds like Obama’s ”pivot” announced during an address to the Australian Parliament, which Friedberg dismisses as a largely symbolic (read real) transfer of existing forces. It is perhaps a pivot, but with more teeth.

This heavily contested American election may not change the world (how can it when both Obama and Romney are globalist puppets) but the ”selection” in China, in contrast, where there is only one party – the possibilities seem wide open.  (expect another False Flag?)

Xi’s treatment of the US will, to a large extent, define the China that he rules for the coming decade. The relationship will shape the world.

On the banks of the Mississippi they reckon that Xi is not a man who pits himself against America.

After his recent visit to Muscatine The New York Times noted dryly that it constituted something of a propaganda coup, a ”tightly choreographed moment” intended to demonstrate his deep connection with the American heartland.

Well, perhaps. But Mrs Lande does not doubt Xi’s sincerity.

”When he walked in the door, the smile the greeting, the handshake, it was so warm,” she said. ”We could see he was so happy to see us. It jumped out of him.”  (Good actor)

Amerika’s Future is Death

Article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
“The day we see truth and do not speak is the day we begin to die.”
– Martin Luther KingEnglish: Seal of the United States Department ...

Conspiracy theories have now blossomed into what the smug presstitute media calls a “conspiracy culture.” According to the presstitutes, Americans have to find some explanation for their frustrations and failings, so Americans shift the blame to the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the New World Order and so forth and so on.

Readers will not be surprised that I disagree with the presstitutes. Indeed, the conspiracy culture is the product of the presstitute media’s failure to investigate and to report truthfully. I am certain that the Western media is worse than the Soviet media was. The Soviet media devised ways for helping the public to read between the lines, whereas the Western media is so proud to be confidants of the government that they deliver the propaganda without any clues to the readers that it is propaganda.

Americans have been fed lies by “their” government and the government’s presstitute media for so long that it is not surprising that Americans increasingly believe that there is a conspiracy operating against them. Millions of Americans have been evicted from their jobs, careers, and homes while the crooks who stole from them run free and bankroll the presidential candidates. The world as millions of Americans knew it has come to an end, and no one has been held accountable. The explanation that Americans get from the media is that it is their own fault. They bought houses they shouldn’t have bought, and they didn’t train for the right jobs. It is not unreasonable for Americans to conclude that a conspiracy is operating against them.

Americans are told that “their” government cannot afford to help them because of the budget deficit and the burden on our grandchildren. But Americans see the trillions of dollars that are lavished on banksters, on wars, and on Homeland Security. Why is a police state and another attack on another Muslim country more important than keeping Americans in their jobs and in their homes?

Cover of "9/11 [Region 2]"

The 11th anniversary of 9/11 is less than a month away. Will the presstitute media remind Americans that the government has spent $6 trillion of Americans’ money in out-of-pocket and already incurred future costs as the expense of invading and trying to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, all to no effect except to enrich the managements and shareholders of the military security complex at the cost of destroying the reputation of the United States and putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block?

No, of course not. The spiel will be about our brave troops who are fighting and dying to make the world safe for democracy and women’s rights. Washington will wrap itself in the flag and exhort Americans to “support our troops” in the orchestrated war of the day. Hitlery Clinton still gets on the moral high horse and rails at China and Russia, but all the world sees is hypocrisy. No one, not even Washington’s puppet governments, any longer takes Washington’s moralizing as anything more than a mask for domination by force alone. Democracy, Washington declares, comes out of the barrel of a gun.

Today moralizing is all about money, but not for the 99%. The 99% cannot find good jobs or earn anything on their savings, because the economy is run for the 1%. University graduates cannot get jobs and pay off their student loans. Retraining for the millions of Americans whose jobs were shipped offshore or filled by foreigners brought in on H1-B visas has proved to be a fraud, as there are no jobs for the retrained displaced long-term discouraged American work force. The official jobs projection by the US government is that few university graduates are needed in the work force, so the old mantra that “education is the answer” is just another lie from the Ivy League economic departments who sell the establishment’s lies for money.

Any American citizen accustomed to travel America’s “wide open spaces” prior to 9/11 must be astonished by the sudden rise of the intrusive Homeland Security, a gestapo-sounding name if there ever was one. Porno-scans and genital feel-ups have spread from airports to bus and train stations and to the public highways, despite the absence of terrorist events. No one in their right mind could possibly think that a 90-year old grandmother in a wheel chair is a terrorist whose diaper needs to be checked or that blond and blue-eyed parents would have strapped a bomb around their 5-year old daughter’s waist. No one except the gestapo Department of Homeland Security.

Gestapo pins

Even some of the gullible flag-waving patriotic conservatives are beginning to wonder about all the security. The reports that the Department of Homeland Security has ordered 750 million rounds of people-killing ammunition are puzzling even those conservatives who have been taking vicarious pleasure in the slaughter of “towelheads.”

Why does the Department of Homeland Security need enough ammunition to shoot every American 2.5 times? Why is Homeland Security equipping itself with full-body armor? Why is Homeland Security acquiring new laser technology that can “instantly know everything about you from 164 feet away?” A new army manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” describes how the military is to be used domestically within the US to put down protests, confiscate firearms and kill citizens.

The police state that is being constructed in “freedom and democracy” America is without parallel in history. When the only terrorists are dupes organized by the FBI, it is clear that the purpose of the police state is not to protect Americans from Muslim terrorists. The purpose of the police state is to terrorize US citizens.

It is not only Homeland Security that is being militarized. The government reported that a large ammunition order was made by the National Weather Service, later updated to have been the Fisheries Office. If you are surprised at this, why has the Social Security Administration ordered 174,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets?

continue at

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Revelation: Hitler warned of the New World Order

Mussolini (left) and Hitler sent their armies ...

Mussolini (left) and Hitler sent their armies to North Africa and into Egypt against the British (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Kevin John Field – August 15, 2012

First, I should like to say a little about myself so as to explain how I know what follows. I was lucky enough to get a good education because my parents could afford it, I went to university at a time when it was unusual and then joined the intelligence community.

I had an uneventful career until a mild stroke left me with a slight speech impediment and I was assigned to archives during the final years before my retirement.

The World War II archive section is closed off from view and most is now converted for computers in the restricted section, but on rare occasions I did have access to read up on the war and how it happened.  Forget everything you read in the history books. Politicians habitually lie so swine flu, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Kennedy’s assassination, the moon landings, Iran, the banking crisis, the Holocaust – none of it is the way it is portrayed in the media.

Late in 1941 the German Luftwaffe dropped pamphlets over the Liverpool area, we had one of these in the files and in it Hitler tried to warn the British people about the coming New World Order. He asked them to stop attacking Germany, and realize that Jewish bankers controlled the Soviet menace and Russia and its Jews were the common enemy. The pamphlet went on that Britain should keep its empire, while the US was demanding we give it up. Hitler wanted a strong Britain against Russia and the Jewish bankers, and he warned of Winston Churchill’s desire to turn the Germany versus Russia conflict into another world war for international Jewry.

America was planned to come into the war from day one and Roosevelt knew it.

Because Hitler was the only man in the world to stand up to Russia and its Jewish controllers, many in the USA and Britain initially supported him, until it was made a crime.

Let’s look from these files and some fallacies about who Hitler was.

1. He was not a Rothschild: recently the Hitler family grave and the headstone was moved, part of this was to do DNA tests, resulting in no sign of any blood links to the Rothschilds.

2. Hitler wanted to rule the world: more nonsense, he wanted to re-unite the German speaking peoples. Britain had spies right through the Third Reich and officially our intelligence said Hitler was a threat to Russia not Britain.

3. Hitler was a cruel psychopath: he was very tough yes, but Hitler loved animals and children and all animal experimentation was outlawed during his premiership. However, he did bring in a euthanasia law that ruled that the severely handicapped should be given euthanasia. Churchill also agreed with this policy.

4. He was sexually malformed and a homosexual: Hitler’s doctor Theodor Morell claimed Hitler had wounds from WWI but was not malformed, and definitely not homosexual. In fact any sexual perversion could land you into the work camps. There is a book which purports to be by Doctor Theodor Morells but don’t bother reading this.

5. Natzi is abbreviated from zionazi: not true this really comes from Nationalsozialismus, or National Socialism, which meant the money in that country for the benefit of the people in that country, not international Jewish money-brokers, Natzi is also short for Nazerite or follower of Jesus of Nazareth.

6. Hitler was a British agent: more nonsense. Hitler loved the British people and its cultural way of life and saw all Anglo-Saxons as brothers, but was totally committed to the German resistance to the Jewish takeover that held Russia, Britain and America.

7. The camps were death camps where people were gassed to death: not true, the camps were for criminals and those who did not support Germany, these people were made to work allowing German nationals to concentrate on the war effort. It should be said that Rothschilds who funded the war effort refused to help the Jews in the camps, despite Hitler asking several times to discuss this. So when you see emotive hate films about WWII and the Holocaust see it in the context of the propaganda it really is.

8. Angela Merkel is not Hitler’s daughter as claimed, this is so childish as to be laughable.

9 Why did Hitler hate Jews? Hitler’s chauffer and one of his chefs were Jews, two of the most trusted job in Germany during the war. Moreover, 150,000 Jews served in the German armed forces during WWII <> .

So Hitler did not hate Jews, just those who hated Germany. Incidentally as well as 150,000 non-Zionist Jews <> , many Indian volunteers also served in the German Wehrmacht <> .

10 Rothschild persuaded Churchill not to bomb German factories, as he wanted to seize them as war reparations. So the war was taken to the wives and families of German soldiers, in an effort to break Germany utterly and completely.